Patients & Public Involvement & Engagement Strategy Launched

PPI 05.08.2015 018

Patients are at the heart of the NIHR Imperial BRC’s mission. Ensuring that those patients and the wider public are involved in the activities undertaken within the BRC is a key priority for us. Patients and the public bring a wealth of experience and provide valuable perspectives on the way that clinical research is designed and delivered.

The Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC), a core facility of the NIHR Imperial BRC, has launched the Patients & Public Involvement & Engagement (PPIE) Strategy (2017/18-2021/22). This strategy has been developed in consultation with the NIHR Imperial BRC Public and Patient Panel and highlights our vision and objectives to achieve meaningful PPIE that is embedded across the NIHR Imperial BRC.

The PPIE strategy can be viewed here.

For more information about our public and patient involvement and engagement strategy and activity please contact PERC at


  • Professor Helen Ward
    Professor Helen Ward
    Theme Lead, SGE, Professor of Public Health and Director, PERC