Patients and the public are central to our work within the NIHR Imperial BRC, supporting our aims to transform health outcomes locally and internationally through translational research. Patients and the public bring a wealth of experience and provide valuable perspectives on the way that research is designed and delivered.
The design and delivery of BRC public and patient involvement and engagement (PPIE) activity across the research themes is supported by the Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC), a core facility of the NIHR Imperial BRC.
The NIHR Imperial BRC PPIE Strategy has been developed by the NIHR Imperial BRC Public and Patient Panel, PERC and the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHT) Research Committee.
This PPIE strategy builds upon the original NIHR Imperial BRC PPIE Strategy 2014/2017 and has been developed by way of an iterative process which began in the summer of 2016. Following a review of the first two years of the NIHR Imperial BRC PPI Panel by way of survey and interviews with Panel members, areas for potential improvement were identified. These proposed improvements were fed into the 2017 NIHR Imperial BRC reapplication process and informed the development of the current PPIE strategy. During 2017 and early 2018, further consultation with the NIHR Imperial BRC PPI Panel took place regarding the content of the current strategy and its implementation. This PPIE strategy was approved by the ICHT Research Committee and can been found here.