third call for NIHR Imperial BRC Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT) projects was launched in early 2018, with funding available through two opportunities: ‘Push for Impact’ and ‘Developing Capacity’.

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ITMAT Funding Call 2018 – Awards


The third call for NIHR Imperial BRC Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT) projects was launched in early 2018, with funding available through two opportunities: ‘Push for Impact’ and ‘Developing Capacity’.

Through these schemes, the BRC aims to fund highly innovative projects which utilise the capabilities of the core ITMAT technologies of genomics, imaging, health informatics and metabolic phenotyping. Push for Impact aims to accelerate the translation of patient-based discovery research by supporting projects with a high likelihood of delivering clinically-focussed outputs. The Developing Capacity scheme provides funding for Clinical Research Fellows and early stage Lecturers to generate the data and/or evidence required to support follow-on fellowships or funding applications.

This year, following review and discussion by the ITMAT Management Committee, a total of 11 projects were selected for funding, 6 through Push for Impact and 5 through Developing Capacity. Congratulations to the successful applications who will begin their projects in June 2018.

Push for Impact

Prof Eric Aboagye A non-invasive computational imaging approach to map immune microenvironments and stratify patients for immunotherapy
Prof Michael Johnson Pooled CRISPR screening with single-cell transcriptome readout for drug target discovery (“Genes2Drugs”)
Prof Miia Kivipelto Metabolic markers of cognitive change in the FINGER trial
Prof Mike Levin Identifying genetic determinants of clinical phenotype and disease outcome for Ebola virus disease
Prof Neena Modi Data-driven informatics to improve neonatal care and patient outcomes
Prof Steve Bloom Customizable pump therapy with the G3215 oxyntomodulin analogue for obesity and diabetes

Developing Capacity

Dr Edward Curry Characterizing transcriptional plasticity in ovarian cancer tumour cells following exposure to chemotherapy
Dr William Scott Genomic and functional characterisation of DNA methylation and transcriptional regulation in adipocytes from obese and lean humans
Dr Panagiotis Vorkas Biomarker discovery for active and advancing atherogenesis to tailor treatment
Dr Wafa Khamri Interleukin 35: a novel therapeutic target to reverse immuneparesis and infectious tolerance in chronic liver failure
Mr Tim Hoogenboom Developing an ultrasound image database for image analysis and machine learning studies


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