Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023–2027

NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre and Clinical Research Facility Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023–2027

Schedule of updates

April 2023 Version 1
July 2023 Version 2

This strategy details our vision, objectives, approach, and goals for equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) at the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre and Clinical Research Facility for 2023-2027. This strategy is a live document, and it will be revised and updated for 2025-2027 to reflect our progress and our evolving EDI maturity level.


Commitment Statement
Our EDI Framework
Underpinning Principles
Our Vision
Overall Objectives
Overall Approach


  1. To improve and diversify our recruitment and retention practices to develop a more balanced workplace, including diversity of senior leadership, governance, and decision-making positions within the BRC and CRF
  2. To build diverse leadership capacity by creating equitable opportunities for current and future leaders
  3. Signpost to existing mentoring schemes and create and support new schemes that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF
  4. Signpost to existing networks and create and support new networks that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF
  5. To advocate for a more equal, diverse and inclusive future within the BRC and CRF and beyond and play an active part in constructive challenge
  6. Aim to ensure that the public we serve locally and nationally is reflected in the clinical and biomedical research we undertake through public involvement, engagement and participation (PIEP) in our research

Roles and responsibilities
Measuring Progress
Key Metrics We Will Track


AHSC: Academic Health Science Centre
BRC: Biomedical Research Centre
CATO: Clinical Academic Training Office
CC4C: Connecting Care for Children
CRF: Clinical Research Facility
CRN: Clinical Research Network
EDI: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
FTE: Full-time Equivalent
HPAG: Healthcare Professionals Academic Group
HR: Human Resources
ICL: Imperial College London
ICHNT: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
ICS: integrated care system
IHKB: Imperial Health Knowledge Bank
IMD: Index of Multiple Deprivation
LGBTQ+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and more
NIHR: National Institute for Health and Care Research
NMAHPP: nursing, midwifery, Allied health professions, Healthcare Scientists, Psychology, Pharmacy
NWL: North-West London
PERC: Patient Experience Research Centre
PIEP: Public Involvement, Engagement and Participation
PRB: Protocol Review Boards
WSIC: Whole Systems Integrated Care


Biomedical Research Centre: collaborations between world-leading universities and NHS organisations that bring together academics and clinicians to translate lab-based scientific breakthroughs into potential new treatments, diagnostics and medical technologies.

Clinical Research Facility: purpose-built facilities in NHS hospitals where researchers can deliver studies. CRFs support the delivery of early translational and experimental medicine research, from studies testing new treatments in patients for the very first time (first-in-human trials) through to early safety and efficacy trials (Phase IIa trials). They provide dedicated purpose-built facilities and expertise for the delivery of high-intensity studies funded by the NIHR, the life sciences industry and other organisations.

Equality: ensuring that everyone is given equal access to resources and opportunities to use their skills and talents. Taking a systems approach to what we do and how we do it and identifying and removing long standing, structural barriers to success.

Diversity: being reflective of the wider community. Having a diverse community, with people from a broad range of backgrounds represented in all areas and at all levels.

Inclusion: an approach where groups or individuals with different backgrounds are welcomed, culturally and socially accepted, and treated equally. Engaging with each person as an individual. A sense of belonging that is respectful of people for who they are.


Embracing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) is not simply a matter of complying with the law. Diversity is essential to excellence in scientific endeavour.

The NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and the NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility (CRF) are both partnerships between Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHNT) and Imperial College London (ICL)1,2. The BRC and CRF work closely together and with other local NIHR infrastructure. They are led and delivered by employees of both ICHNT and ICL, who are bound by the respective policies and guidance of their employing organisation. Specifically, the BRC and CRF will adhere to the principles and aims of both organisations’ policies 1,2 with respect to EDI as well as incorporating NIHR approaches 3 and aligning with the BRC EDI Framework 4. Our vision and objectives are built on and in line with the NIHR’s EDI Strategy for 2022-2027 3.

Commitment Statement

Our commitment to EDI recognises the fact that excellence comes through facilitating inclusive opportunities that bring together people with different experiences and backgrounds. Therefore, improving diversity will ultimately increase the quality, translational relevance and world-changing impact of our research. Now is the time to implement real and practical changes in the way we work and what our expectations are moving forward. This is imperative for both our staff and the researchers we fund, but also for the wider community we serve by taking steps towards better representation of the people of North West London.

This strategy sets out our vision, aims and objectives to create a fair, just and equal culture across the NIHR Imperial BRC and CRF over the next five years. It is the application of those more general institutional-level policies to the specific circumstances of the BRC and CRF. While there is a clear role for senior leadership in delivery of this strategy, we need to shape a culture in which every member of staff is able to influence change, has a voice that is heard, and is given the tools and knowledge to help them also lead on EDI. The BRC and CRF will work with staff across ICHNT and ICL to ensure fair treatment and opportunity for all, eradicating prejudice and discrimination based on an individual’s or group of individual’s protected characteristics. We are committed to ensuring EDI across all that we do, particularly access to research opportunities for staff and the population we serve.

The Equality Act 2010 covers nine protected characteristics, which cannot be used as a reason to treat people unfairly. Every person has one or more of the protected characteristics, so the Act therefore protects everyone. The protected characteristics are:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage or civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

NIHR are also concerned about imbalances and inequalities associated with:

  • geographical location
  • socioeconomic status
  • access to health or social care

It is important to us that we move beyond just complying with our duties, that we are proactive and continually striving to improve. To successfully embed our strategy, it is important that we demonstrate that we are monitoring and measuring the improvements we are making. We will share updates at regular intervals and look forward to celebrating the progress we are making.

Our EDI Framework

To undertake world-class translational research, we need to consider the people we support and the communities we serve. To ensure we do so systematically, the BRC created an EDI Framework to provide guidance and set the tone moving forwards.

The BRC EDI Framework4 embraces the policies set out by both ICHNT and ICL, as our research and researchers are also linked to these organisations. The Framework sets out 5 Underpinning Principles that should apply to all EDI objectives within the remit of the BRC. These will also be adopted by CRF. They should be borne in mind when developing action plans or implementing specific activities.

Underpinning Principles

  1. Measurable: we will take an evidence-based approach in identifying issues or challenges in EDI within the BRC and CRF, how these might be changed, and whether certain actions have worked. Objectives and plans need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based). Regular review points will be scheduled to assess ongoing success (or otherwise) of a particular action, as well as regular collection of relevant data to monitor progress.
  2. Informed: to properly address any issues, it is important to fully understand what these are before taking a particular route to a solution. As is encompassed in many of the actions undertaken by ICHNT and ICL, issues need to be identified that are specific to each protected characteristic to support activities and policy development.
  3. Equitable: all activities should seek to be of equitable access. Barriers to engaging in an activity should be identified quickly in advance and addressed proactively. This includes more obvious examples, such as disability provision at a key event location, but also activities where barriers may be more subtle, e.g. equal representation of different ethnic groups and other demographics in a clinical trial.
  4. Proactive: it is important to act proactively to address barriers to equality. Those with leadership and management positions in the BRC and CRF, as well as those funded by the programmes, should actively seek ways to change current practice and culture where this is required. The BRC and CRF Executives will consider all suggestions seriously and, in turn, BRC and CRF leadership will seek to become more representative of the wider community.
  5. Reflective: it is also important to reflect on both current policies in ICHNT and ICL, and recent actions within the BRC and CRF, to understand where changes may be required. Whilst related to the principle of measurable change, reflectivity is a more holistic way to assess progress and should be carried out periodically. It is also, however, a principle that should be embedded within specific initiatives to ensure they meet the objectives set out for not just the activity itself, but for the broader strategy.

Our Vision

We want the BRC and CRF to be an inclusive and diverse scientific research community. Having a diverse workforce and inclusive culture will help us in our mission to protect and promote the interests of patients and the public in health and social care research.

Overall Objectives

Our ideal future is one where the consideration and addressing of EDI have become second nature to all members of the extended NIHR Imperial BRC and CRF communities.

The six principal long-term objectives of our strategy are:

  1. To improve and diversify our recruitment and retention practices to develop a more balanced workplace, including diversity of senior leadership, governance, and decision-making positions within the BRC and CRF.
  2. To build diverse leadership capacity by creating equitable opportunities for current and future leaders.
  3. Signpost to existing mentoring schemes and create and support new schemes that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF.
  4. Signpost to existing networks and create and support new networks that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF.
  5. To advocate for a more equal, diverse and inclusive future within the BRC and CRF and beyond and play an active part in constructive challenge.
  6. Aim to ensure that the public we serve locally and nationally is reflected in the clinical and biomedical research we undertake through public involvement, engagement and participation in our research.

Overall Approach

Achieving the step-change required for a more inclusive and diverse NIHR will require the collaboration and energies of everyone across the NIHR.

A successful long-term approach will include:

  • Developing a robust evidence base to better understand barriers in our systems and biases in our processes that result in the under-representation of some communities in our research, including young people, people from ethnic minority groups and disabled people.
  • Championing inclusivity, redesigning our processes, introducing targeted initiatives and effectively monitoring and evaluating impact.
  • Dedicating resources to the systematic tracking, reporting and evaluation of EDI within the BRC and CRF, including data on our workforce and the constitution of our committees, and the people who shape and participate in our research studies.
  • Work together internally, within the BRC and CRF, and with external organisations (e.g. other universities, funders, international bodies, and EDI experts) to learn, develop and share best practice.

A successful EDI outcome for the BRC and CRF will be one where:

  • EDI is embedded in our systems, culture and processes.
  • Our research workforce and our Public Involvement and Engagement and Participation (PIEP) contributors are considerably more diverse.
  • Access to, involvement and participation in health and social care research is far wider.
  • Everyone in the BRC and CRF communities visibly contributes to the ongoing delivery of the strategy.
  • We collaborate internally and externally to develop good practice.


While the Framework offers guidance and direction, the Implementation Plan covers the practical actions for which we will be held accountable. Each activity will have an ‘Owner’ but ultimately many of the activities will be a team effort.

Our Implementation Plan lays out the steps we’ll take to develop an equal, diverse and inclusive research community in North West London. We will monitor, evaluate and review evidence to measure progress against the plan. This mechanism will enable transparency and accountability.

Objective 1: To improve and diversify our recruitment and retention practices to develop a more balanced workplace, including diversity of senior leadership, governance, and decision-making positions within the BRC and CRF.

Key areas of focus:

  1. Increase diversity of recruitment panels at all stages of selection, including PPIE contributors.
  2. Increase overall provision of mental health support – mental health first aiders and training.
  3. Promote innovative ways to encourage greater diversity in BRC/CRF staff at the application stage and throughout the hiring process.
  4. Provide support and mentoring for researchers/staff from diverse backgrounds to ensure that they are retained and working in the BRC and CRF.
  5. Achieve diversity across our governance, advisory and leadership structures, making sure decisions are made in an inclusive way.

Objective 2: To build diverse leadership capacity by creating equitable opportunities for current and future leaders.

Key areas of focus:

  1. Provide packages of support and specific training for potential future leaders in areas identified as common barriers and incorporating ways to nurture diverse talent.
  2. Raise awareness of discrimination through training and development courses available, with specific training in EDI principles.
  3. Specialised training for NMAHPP in identified areas requiring support.

Objective 3: Signpost to existing mentoring schemes and create and support new schemes that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF.

Key areas of focus:

  1. The BRC and CRF will play an active role in facilitating and enabling reverse mentoring activities.

Objective 4: Signpost to existing networks and create and support new networks that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF.

Key areas of focus:

  1. A dedicated web space will be created to serve as a hub for finding supportive networks for people underrepresented in science and medicine in ICHNT and ICL.

Objective 5: To advocate for a more equal, diverse and inclusive future within the BRC and CRF and beyond and play an active part in constructive challenge.

Key areas of focus:

  1. Identify EDI Champions to sit on each Theme Committee and in the BRC and CRF Executives, with a dedicated remit.
  2. Explain EDI strategy clearly and keep it open to continuous improvement.
  3. Create a culture of constructive challenge, up to and including questioning ICHNT/ICL/NIHR policies where they are not within the ethos of EDI.

Objective 6: Aim to ensure that the public we serve locally and nationally is reflected in the clinical and biomedical research we undertake through public involvement, engagement and participation (PIEP) in our research.

Key areas of focus:

  1. Ensure diversity within members of the public sitting on governance committees is representative of the local population.
  2. Proactive challenge of clinical trial recruitment to ensure representation from across the community.
  3. Ensure that all PIEP activities are inclusive and accessible.
  4. Undertaking / funding research of highest quality that is relevant to, and where appropriate involves, a diverse population of research participants
  5. Undertaking / funding research of highest quality that, where relevant, has considered health inequalities
  6. Understand full diversity data for all those involved in our involvement, engagement and research activities
  7. Be transparent about diversity data to identify and address issues

The first step in successful EDI data collection and analysis is ensuring the impact of collecting this data are understood and that our public contributors are involved in the process. For some of the public and for certain communities collecting data on protected characteristics like pregnancy, religion or belief and sexual orientation may negatively impact involvement and research participation. As such, before we begin to expand the range of protected characteristics on which we collect data from potential public contributors and research participants, we plan to carry out a consultation with our BRC public contributors and conduct further research. This approach has been supported by feedback from our BRC EDI public contributor.

Roles and Responsibilities

All staff have a responsibility within the strategy for ensuring we achieve our EDI ambitions. We all have a responsibility for ensuring that we role model our values in the way we work and interact with our patients, the public and our colleagues. We want all those involved in the leadership and management of people to be visible, fair, inclusive and to exhibit behaviours that reflect our values. We will support staff to lead in a way that promotes equality, values diversity, and embeds inclusion.

To achieve this, we will provide tools and resources to enable our staff and leaders to feel informed, confident and skilled in promoting fairness and inclusion. We will also celebrate good practice against these qualities and hold to account those who do not demonstrate these values and behaviours.


The BRC and CRF Executives will have a clear, agreed and effective approach to supporting EDI throughout the BRC and CRF and in their own practice. This approach supports good governance and the delivery of the BRC and CRF’s joint EDI strategy.

This strategy will be periodically reviewed by the BRC and CRF EDI oversight committees. The committees will meet separately at least 6 monthly and jointly annually to discuss and oversee the following:

  1. Recruitment, hiring, and retention practices.
  2. Community engagement practices.
  3. Research participation practices.

The BRC committee will be chaired by a nominated Academic Lead for EDI and will consist of 4-6 Theme leads or their representatives (e.g. EDI Champion) and a PIEP contributor. The CRF committee will include the CRF Senior Management team, PIEP Manager, Recruitment Manager and EDI Champion.

The committees will design and provide suggestions and best practices for improving EDI recruitment, hiring and engagement practices; and create and review EDI metrics of success. BRC Theme leads will be responsible for monitoring EDI metrics within their Themes and reporting progress to the EDI oversight committee. The BRC’s Academic Lead for EDI will report to the BRC Executive. The CRF’s Lead for EDI will report to the CRF Executive. In addition, EDI will be a standing agenda item for discussion at the CRF’s monthly management meeting.

The BRC EDI oversight committee will aim to publish an EDI report as part of the annual reporting period during year 3 of the award (Financial Year: 2024/2025). The CRF EDI oversight committee will aim to provide annual reports to NIHR from year 2. These reports will examine progress on equalities targets, review the inequalities which persist, and demonstrate our commitment to overcoming these challenges. The reports will include workforce, research participation and public involvement reviews which outline the makeup of our workforce, research participants and public contributors by ethnicity, age, disability and gender. They will also show how our workforce are represented across different job families and grades, and how our research participants and public contributors represent populations across geographical location and all levels of deprivation.

Measuring Progress

To successfully embed our strategy, it is important that we demonstrate that we are monitoring and measuring the improvements we are making. We will publish our progress against a core set of EDI metrics to ensure visibility for patients, the public and our staff.

To make sure we are making progress on EDI, we need to have the right approach to track progress and to shift our approach when needed. To do this, we will:

  • Identify and monitor a focused set of metrics to reflect the shifts we’re making.
  • Assess the effectiveness of policies and practices against these metrics.
  • Implement clear governance and accountability for this strategy at all levels of the BRC and CRF.
  • Publish a BRC EDI Data Report during year 3 and an annual CRF EDI Data Report from year 2.

Key Metrics We Will Track

We will initially track key indicators across our six strategic objectives to understand the progress we are making against our aims. We will also aim to collect new data where it currently does not exist. For these areas we will be setting targets once the data and processes are in place. The key outcomes we hope to achieve are summarised in the Table below.

Objective 1: To improve and diversify our recruitment and retention practices to develop a more balanced workplace, including diversity of senior leadership, governance, and decision-making positions within the BRC and CRF.

Intended Outcome Actions Owner Key Metric(s) BRC Key Metric(s) CRF
Increase diversity of recruitment panels at all stages of selection, including PPIE contributors. BRC & CRF
Engage with, and learn from, underrepresented groups from our more established senior researchers/staff to increase appointments to our recruitment panels from ethnic minority and female applicants.

Survey applicants to our recruitment panels about their personal characteristics (including age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and ethnicity).

BRC Theme leads / BRC Office

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

Collect data to monitor age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity of applicants and appointments to our recruitment panels from mid-2023.

Increase diversity within staff sitting on our recruitment panels from mid-2023 baseline, by start of 2027, if baseline data is not representative of the population.

Collect data to monitor age, gender, disability, sexual orientation and ethnicity of applicants and appointments to our recruitment panels from mid-2023.

Increase diversity within staff sitting on our recruitment panels from 2023 baseline, by start of 2027, if baseline data is not representative of the population.

Increase overall provision of mental health support – mental health first aiders and training. BRC & CRF
Theme leads requested to find at least one individual in their theme to undergo the College’s Mental Health First Aid training
BRC Theme leads

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

At least one designated qualified mental health first aider in each BRC Theme by start of 2024.

At least one designated qualified mental health first aider in the CRF by start of 2024.

Appointment of a Wellbeing Champion by start of 2024 to create a programme of events/activities to support wellbeing.

Promote innovative ways to encourage greater diversity at the application stage and throughout the hiring process BRC & CRF
Engage with, and learn from, underrepresented groups in our research community and external experts to improve recruitment and funding approaches, to understand and remove barriers and to tackle racial bias.

ICHNT staff EDI data to be collected via MyESR/Qlikview.

Collect data on age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity for all staff recruitment processes, including for all shortlisted candidates, interviewees and those recruited.

Ensure all senior staff/line managers attend EDI training eg. Unconscious Bias.

BRC Specific
Engage with, and learn from, underrepresented groups in our research community to increase applications from Black and ethnic minority and female applicants, specifically to BRC grants aimed at more established, senior researchers.

Embed EDI in our researcher communications to ensure our content is inclusive and accessible.

Champion the work of researchers from diverse backgrounds in our researcher communications.

BRC Theme leads / BRC Office

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

Collect data to monitor age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity of applicants to positions within the BRC from mid-2023.

Work towards equal success rates to positions within the BRC for researchers and staff, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or ethnicity by start of 2027.

Ensure 100% staff involved in staff recruitment process have undergone Unconscious Bias training, by start of 2024.

Collect data to monitor age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity of BRC grant applicants and holders from mid-2023.

Increase diversity within BRC grant applicants from mid-2023 baseline, by start of 2027, if baseline data is not representative of the population.

Collect data to monitor age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity of applicants to positions within the CRF from mid-2023.

Work towards equal success rates to positions within the CRF for staff, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or ethnicity by start of 2027.

Ensure 100% staff involved in staff recruitment process have undergone Unconscious Bias training, by start of 2024

Provide support and mentoring for researchers/staff from diverse backgrounds to ensure that they are retained and working in the BRC and CRF BRC & CRF
Help build, or signpost to support networks for women, ethnic minority and neurodiverse or disabled researchers/staff to connect those who have similar experiences and find potential mentors.

Survey staff about their personal characteristics (including age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and ethnicity).

BRC Specific
Implement next destination career tracking for BRC researchers and PhD students to understand career pipeline by diversity data.

Continue to identify and help remove barriers that female researchers face staying in biomedical research and progressing to senior positions, including by promoting flexible research career policies and providing support through our Springboard Women’s Development Programme and Women in Academic Medicine network.

Provide dedicated career support initiatives to researchers from ethnic minority backgrounds and those who identify as neurodiverse or disabled including mentoring and leadership through our IMPACT Development Programme and Calibre leadership programme, respectively.

CRF Specific
Promote the CRF across the College and Trust to approach PIs that are not already using the CRF ensuring a wider reach. Including presentations to speciality research forums.

BRC Theme leads / BRC Office

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

Evidence of signposting researchers/staff from diverse backgrounds to networks supporting underrepresented groups.

Collect data annually to monitor age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity of researchers/staff within the BRC from mid-2023.

Increase diversity within researchers/staff working in BRC from mid-2023 baseline, by start of 2027, if baseline data is not representative of the population.

Collect data to monitor destination career by age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and disability for BRC researchers and PhD students from mid-2023.

Collect data to monitor number of female researchers who have undertaken the Springboard Women’s Development Programme from mid-2023.

Collect data to monitor number of researchers from ethnic minority backgrounds who have undertaken the IMPACT Development Programme from mid-2023.

Collect data to monitor number of researchers who identify as neurodiverse or disabled who have undertaken the Calibre leadership programme from mid-2023.

Evidence of signposting staff from diverse backgrounds to networks supporting underrepresented groups.

Collect data annually to monitor age, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity of staff within the CRF from mid-2023.

Increase diversity within staff working in CRF from mid-2023 baseline, by start of 2027, if baseline data is not representative of the population.

Evidence of promotion of the CRF across the College and Trust annually.

Achieve diversity across our governance, advisory and leadership structures, making sure decisions are made in an inclusive way BRC & CRF
EDI a rolling agenda item on all key decision-making committees.

BRC Specific
Diverse representation on Theme Management Committees, including a PPIE and EDI representative.

CRF Specific
Diverse representation on the PRB panel and Management Meeting including a PPIE and EDI representative.

Committee / BRC Office / BRC Theme Leads

CRF EDI Committee / CRF Operations Team / CRF Leads

Theme Management Committees’ meeting minutes and list of attendees retained in designated electronic folders, from mid-2023. PRB panel and Management Meeting minutes and list of attendees retained in designated electronic folders, from mid-2023.

Objective 2: To build diverse leadership capacity by creating equitable opportunities for current and future leaders

Intended Outcome Actions Owner Key Metric(s) BRC Key Metric(s) CRF
Provide packages of support and specific training for potential future leaders in areas identified as common barriers and incorporating ways to nurture diverse talent BRC Specific
Promote and support researchers to attend the College’s Springboard Women’s Development Programme, IMPACT Development Programme and Calibre leadership programme for women, staff who identify from a minority ethnic group and staff who identify as neurodiverse or disabled, respectively.
BRC Theme leads / BRC Office Increase year on year from 2023 to 2027 the percentage of more senior researchers from diverse backgrounds attending the College’s Development Programmes (see above).
Raise awareness of discrimination through training and development courses available, with specific training in EDI principles. BRC & CRF
Promote and support researchers/staff within the BRC and CRF to undertake, as a minimum, the following EDI online training, or equivalent:
• EDI at Imperial
• Unconscious Bias
• Harassment: confronting inappropriate behaviour
BRC Theme leads / BRC Office

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

By mid-2023, collect data annually on the percentage of researchers/ staff within the BRC completing the following EDI online courses or equivalent:
• EDI at Imperial
• Unconscious Bias
• Harassment: confronting inappropriate behaviour

Ensure 100% researchers/ staff have undergone the EDI online courses above, by start of 2024.

By mid-2023, collect data annually on the percentage of staff within the CRF completing the following EDI online courses or equivalent:
• EDI at Imperial
• Unconscious Bias
• Harassment: confronting inappropriate behaviour

Ensure 100% staff have undergone the EDI online courses above, by start of 2024.

Specialised training for NMAHPP in identified areas requiring support BRC & CRF
CATO will provide academic training for nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and medically-qualified staff across a wide range of areas linked to research.
BRC Theme leads / BRC Office

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

By start of 2024, collect data annually on number of training courses offered by CATO to NMAHPP per year.

By start of 2024, collect data annually on number of NMAHPP attending training courses offered by CATO per year.

By start of 2024, collect data annually on number of NMAHPP attending training courses offered by CATO per year.

By start of 2024, collect data annually on number of NMAHPP attending training courses offered by CATO per year.

Objective 3: Signpost to existing mentoring schemes and create and support new schemes that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF

Intended Outcome Actions Owner Key Metric(s) BRC Key Metric(s) CRF
The BRC and CRF will play an active role in facilitating and enabling reverse mentoring activities. BRC & CRF
Promote and support researchers/staff within the BRC and CRF, particularly BRC Theme Leads and BRC Executives and CRF Leads, to take part in either ICL’s or ICHNT’s Reverse Mentoring Schemes.
BRC Theme leads / BRC Office

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

At least one BRC Theme Lead or member of BRC Executive acting as a mentor on the Reverse Mentoring Schemes, by start of 2024. At least one CRF Lead acting as a mentor on the Reverse Mentoring Schemes, by start of 2024.

Objective 4: Signpost to existing networks and create and support new networks that are of strategic importance to the BRC and CRF

Intended Outcome Actions Owner Key Metric(s) BRC Key Metric(s) CRF
A dedicated web space will be created to serve as a hub for finding supportive networks for people underrepresented in science and medicine in ICHNT and ICL. BRC & CRF
Set up and regularly update a dedicated section on our websites to serve as a hub for finding supportive networks for people underrepresented in science and medicine in ICL and ICHNT.
BRC Office

CRF Operations Team

Live and regularly updated dedicated section on BRC website signposting to ICL and ICHNT staff networks, by start of 2024. Live and regularly updated dedicated section on CRF website signposting to ICL and ICHNT staff networks, by start of 2024.

Objective 5: To advocate for a more equal, diverse and inclusive future within the BRC, CRF and beyond and play an active part in constructive challenge

Intended Outcome Actions Owner Key Metric(s) BRC Key Metric(s) CRF
Identify EDI Champions to sit on each Theme Committee and in the BRC and CRF Executives, with a dedicated remit BRC & CRF
EDI Champion nominated for each BRC Research Theme and the CRF who will report data on the EDI metrics to the BRC and CRF EDI oversight committees, respectively.
BRC Theme leads / BRC Office

CRF Leads / CRF Operations Team

One named EDI Champion within each BRC Theme, by mid-2023. One named EDI Champion within the CRF, by mid-2023.
Explain EDI strategy clearly and keep it open to continuous improvement BRC & CRF
Establishment of separate BRC and CRF EDI oversight committees, chaired by nominated Leads for EDI.
EDI strategy to be written in plain English, discussed across various forums such as training days, and added to the BRC and CRF websites.
Ensure that EDI information on the BRC and CRF websites is presented in a coherent and accessible manner and encourage feedback by providing an email address for comments.
Make use of the NIHR guide to creating inclusive language and content5.
EDI campaign. Tweeting participant testimonials from minority groups and adding these to our websites. Publish interviews with ethnically diverse PIs promoting research and work with the EDI groups within the AHSC, the CRN, the UKCRF Network and wider NIHR infrastructure to share resources. Filming will be undertaken to create new material to be used for recruitment and other activities, ensuring diversity within the images. The websites will be reviewed and revised to ensure that they meet accessibility and usability standards.
Communities have told us that having presentations from people who look like them about research and health is very influential. Researchers will be encouraged to undertake this kind of activity (PERC will assist with arranging).
BRC EDI Committee / BRC Office

CRF EDI Committee / CRF Operations Team

Named BRC Academic Lead for EDI by mid-2023.
BRC EDI oversight committees’ meeting minutes and list of attendees retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
EDI strategy to be written in plain English and added to the BRC website by mid-2023.
Revisions/updates to EDI strategy published on BRC website as required.
Annually, review the accessibility of the BRC website to ensure that it meets accessibility and usability standards in compliance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
To include i) review of simplicity of the content and the ability to zoom in on content, and ii) review the number of PDF documents, as these are not fully accessible to all screen reader software.
BRC website and Twitter feed will be reviewed 6-monthly for evidence of their EDI campaigns, including evidence of researcher, research participant and public contributor testimonials from minority groups.
CRF EDI oversight committees’ meeting minutes and list of attendees retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
EDI strategy to be written in plain English and added to the CRF website by mid-2023.
Revisions/updates to EDI strategy published on CRF website as required.
Annually, review the accessibility of the CRF website to ensure that it meets accessibility and usability standards in compliance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
To include i) review of simplicity of the content and the ability to zoom in on content, and ii) review the number of PDF documents, as these are not fully accessible to all screen reader software.
CRF website and Twitter feed will be reviewed 6-monthly for evidence of their EDI campaigns, including evidence of researcher, research participant and public contributor testimonials from minority groups.
Create a culture of constructive challenge, up to and including questioning ICHNT/ICL/ NIHR policies where they are not within the ethos of EDI BRC & CRF
BRC and CRF EDI oversight committees to meet separately at least 6 monthly to discuss and oversee i) BRC Theme/CRF recruitment, hiring, and retention practices, ii) BRC Theme/CRF community engagement practices and iii) BRC Theme/CRF research participation practices.
Standing EDI agenda item for BRC and CRF Executive meetings.
BRC EDI Committee / BRC Office

CRF EDI Committee / CRF Operations Team

BRC EDI oversight committees’ meeting minutes retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
BRC Executives’ meeting minutes retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
Revisions/updates to EDI strategy published on BRC website as required.
CRF EDI oversight committees’ meeting minutes retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
CRF Executive meeting minutes retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
Revisions/updates to EDI strategy published on CRF website as required.

Objective 6: Aim to ensure that the public we serve locally and nationally is reflected in the clinical and biomedical research we undertake through public involvement, engagement and participation in our research

Intended Outcome Actions Owner Key Metric(s) BRC Key Metric(s) CRF
Ensure diversity within members of the public sitting on governance committees is representative of the local population. BRC & CRF
Develop systems to measure appropriate demographic and protected characteristics, with a view to ensuring that individuals recruited to public involvement in research governance roles reflect the local population.

Survey applicants to our public involvement in research governance roles about their personal characteristics (age, ethnicity, gender, geographical location (to derive Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)) and disability data).

CRF Specific
Expand the remit of the PIEP panel to provide guidance and facilitation for CRF researchers to address elements of EDI through involving more diverse voices in PPIE activities. Signpost to REPAG framework.

PERC / BRC Executive

CRF PIEP Manager / CRF Leads

From mid-2023: Collect data to monitor age, gender, ethnicity, disability, geographical location and deprivation (IMD) of applicants and appointments of members of the public sitting on governance committees across the BRC.

By start of 2027: Increase diversity within members of the public sitting on governance committees across the BRC from mid-2023 baseline, if baseline data is not representative of the local population.

From mid-2023: Collect data to monitor age, gender, ethnicity, disability, geographical location and deprivation (IMD) of applicants and appointments of members of the public sitting on governance committees across the CRF.

By start of 2027: Increase diversity within members of the public sitting on governance committees across the CRF from mid-2023 baseline, if the baseline is not representative of the local population.

Proactive challenge of clinical trial recruitment to ensure representation from across the community. BRC & CRF
Develop systems to measure appropriate demographic and protected characteristics, with a view to ensuring that participants in our clinical research studies and trials reflect the local population.
To promote inclusion of under-represented communities PERC and the CRF PIEP Manager will establish relationships with NWL communities through place-based engagement and involvement.
BRC Specific
We will appoint 3 public involvement officers whose role will include building relationships and trust with communities in North-West London on this key objective.
PERC will identify a group of Community Partners with strong community links to guide community outreach and engagement, the insights of which will feed into all our 14 BRC themes.
CRF Specific
EDI champions will discuss EDI representation with researchers during Protocol Review Boards (PRBs), prompted by a question in the PRB application form to ensure that researchers consider how their study population will reflect the ethnicity of the known disease area or the local population (for healthy volunteer studies).
PERC / BRC Theme Leads / Principal Investigators
CRF PIEP Manager / CRF Leads
From start of 2024: Collect data to monitor age, gender, ethnicity, disability, geographical location, and deprivation (IMD) of research participants across BRC studies.
By start of 2027: Increase diversity within research participants from early 2024 baseline, if baseline data is not representative of the local population.
Annual survey, from start of 2024, documenting evidence of our research teams’ study recruitment approaches and activities for increasing, where appropriate, diversity in research participation.
Appoint 3 public involvement officers by end of 2023.
Appoint a group of 10-20 Community Partners with strong community links to advise PERC on community engagement and outreach activities, by end of 2023.
From start of 2024: Collect data to monitor age, gender, ethnicity, disability, geographical location, and deprivation (IMD) of research participants across CRF studies.
By start of 2027: Increase diversity within research participants from early 2024 baseline, if baseline data is not representative of the local population.
Annual survey, from start of 2024, documenting evidence of our research teams’ study recruitment approaches and activities for increasing, where appropriate, diversity in research participation.
PRB meeting minutes retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
Evidence of a dedicated space to evaluate new technology in a clinical environment representative of the home by start of 2025.
Annual survey, from start of 2024, documenting evidence of our research teams’ approaches and activities for remote monitoring of patients in studies.
Development of a platform for participant and parent engagement in study design and recruitment through the NWL Schools Research Network from start of 2025.
By start of 2025, collect data annually on number of research sessions per year run for GPs and community nurses.
By start of 2025, collect data annually on number of GPs and community nurses who have taken up the offer of research sessions.
By start of 2025, explore options and make recommendation on the feasibility of establishing a satellite community research clinic.
Ensure that all PIEP activities are inclusive and accessible. BRC & CRF
Review our research events processes, including Code of Conduct, to ensure they are inclusive, accessible and free from harassment. Ensure our events venues are accessible e.g. wheelchair access, hearing loops.
PERC / BRC Theme Leads
CRF PPIE Manager / CRF Leads
Use evaluation forms to obtain feedback from staff and the public about each of our research events and activities held.
Evaluations demonstrate that events and activities are successful.
Based on feedback, improvements made to subsequent events and activities.
Learnings are put together and reported.
Use evaluation forms to obtain feedback from staff and the public about each of our research events and activities held.
Evaluations demonstrate that events and activities are successful.
Based on feedback, improvements made to subsequent events and activities.
Learnings are put together and reported.
Undertaking / funding research of highest quality that is relevant to, and where appropriate involves, a diverse population of research participants BRC Specific
Introduce question(s) on our application form that ask about the diversity of research participants and the research team, and how, if appropriate to the research question, the research team will try to involve a diverse population of research participants in their study.
When reviewing research protocols, Funding Panels will be expected to challenge, from an EDI perspective, the study design, including any recruitment approaches or inclusion/exclusion criteria that are too restrictive if not appropriate to the research question.
Set up a project to explore and address any underrepresentation in new research studies or clinical trials we undertake or fund. PERC will look to appoint a research associate in years 2-3 of the BRC to lead on research investigating inequalities in participation focusing on underrepresented/under-served communities.
BRC EDI Committee / BRC Theme Leads / PERC Research Associate in Research Participation Add question(s) by mid-2023.
Evidence of panel discussions regarding EDI aspects of study proposals in BRC Funding Panel meeting minutes retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.

Appointment of Research Associate in Research Participation within PERC by end of 2024.

Undertaking / funding research of highest quality that, where relevant, has considered health inequalities BRC Specific
Introduce question(s) on our application form that ask about how the proposed research plans to address health inequalities. This will demonstrate how research teams have considered and acknowledged how their research addresses health inequalities.
When reviewing research protocols, Funding Panels will be expected to challenge, from a health inequalities perspective, the study design, including any recruitment approaches or inclusion/exclusion criteria that are too restrictive if not appropriate to the research question.
BRC EDI Committee / BRC Theme Leads Add question(s) by mid-2023.
Evidence of panel discussions regarding health inequalities aspects of study proposals in BRC Funding Panel meeting minutes retained in designated electronic folder, from mid-2023.
Understand full diversity data for all those involved in our involvement, engagement and research activities BRC & CRF
Studies will recruit from a local ethnically and socially diverse population of 2.3M, as well as nationally when the BRC or CRF are a hub for network collaborations. We will use digital tools, such as Cerner (Power Trials) and our Whole Systems Integrated Care (WSIC) database and use GP mailouts to identify patients for our research studies, thus increasing the pool of potential participants.
BRC Specific
We will work with the Digital Health Theme, PERC and the Imperial Health Knowledge Bank core facility to establish a system for monitoring research participation by age, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, deprivation and disability.
CRF Specific
We will collect data on age, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, deprivation and disability from research participants to provide baselines. To include collection of EDI data on Cerner to be automatically transferred to CRF Manager, and ethnicity to be requested for CRF bookings.
BRC Theme Leads / PERC
CRF Leads / CRF PIEP Manager
By end of 2023, research teams will routinely collect and share data with Theme EDI Champions to monitor age, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, deprivation (IMD) and disability of individuals approached and recruited to our research studies.
By end of 2023, PERC will collect data to monitor age, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, deprivation (IMD) and disability of all members of the public participating in involvement and engagement activities within the BRC.
Increase diversity within those involved in our involvement, engagement, and research activities from end of 2023 baseline, by mid-2027, if baseline data is not representative of the local population.

By end of 2023, research teams will routinely collect and share data with EDI Champion to monitor age, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, deprivation (IMD) and disability of research participants. To include collection of EDI data on Cerner to be automatically transferred to CRF Manager, and ethnicity to be requested for CRF bookings from mid-2023.
Increase diversity within those involved in our involvement, engagement, and research activities from end of 2023 baseline, by mid- 2027, if baseline data is not representative of the population.
Be transparent about diversity data to identify and address issues BRC & CRF
Publish anonymised, aggregated diversity data, highlighting issues and key actions.
BRC EDI Committee / BRC Office
CRF EDI Committee / CRF Office
The BRC EDI oversight committee will aim to publish an EDI report as part of the annual reporting period by the end of Year 3 of the award (Financial Year: 2024/2025).
The EDI report will be made publicly available on BRC website.
The EDI report and learnings will also be shared with all our staff via email.

The CRF EDI oversight committee will provide EDI annual reports to NIHR by the end of Year 2 of the award (Financial Year: 2023/2024).
EDI reports will be made publicly available on CRF website.
The EDI report and learnings will also be shared with all CRF staff via email.


  1. Imperial College London EDI Strategy
  2. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust EDI Strategy
  3. NIHR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2027
  4. NIHR Imperial BRC Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Framework
  5. NIHR A guide to creating inclusive content and language