BRC Theme Lead elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences


Professor Elaine Holmes, BRC Gut Health Theme Lead and Head of Computational and Systems Medicine at the College, has been recognised for her achievements in translational research with the fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences. This prestigious award is given to world-leading scientists for their outstanding contributions to biomedical and health research and translating scientific discoveries into patients’ benefit.

Professor Holmes and her team screen and analyse large-scale genetic, health and lifestyle data, thus enabling identification of common biological markers indicative of disease. Within the BRC Gut Health Theme, Professor Holmes investigates the influence of our gut microbiome and changes in metabolic activity in gastrointestinal-related diseases, including colorectal cancer, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Commenting on the fellowship, Professor Homes said: “I am of course delighted to receive such an honour and recognition for my work and I would just like to take the opportunity to extend my gratitude to the amazing research group who have helped me reach this point.”

She added: “In dealing with such huge volumes of health-related data, our work can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. But we hope that discovering/identifying new biomarkers for disease could help to deliver personalised medicine in future.”

Professor Mark Thursz, Director of the NIHR Imperial BRC, commended Professor Holmes’ achievement: “I am delighted that Prof Holmes’ contribution to clinical science has been recognised by the Academy of Medical Sciences. Her work on metabolic profiling and systems medicine has allowed her team and many others to explore disorders of digestion and metabolism in novel ways”.

The new Fellows will be formally admitted to the Academy at a ceremony on 27 June 2018, and the full list of 2018 Fellows can be found online on the AMS website.

  • Professor Elaine Holmes
    Professor Elaine Holmes