Involving patients and the public in research

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In recent years, patient and public involvement (PPI) has moved to the forefront of research, as its potential to strengthen and ensure the focus is relevant has become far more realised. With a focus on performing research “with” or “by” patients and members of the public, guidelines and tools have been created across the board, but there are new challenges faced in psychedelic research.

In a new paper in Frontiers of Psychiatry, the Centre for Psychedelic Research worked with Sandra Jayacodi and Maria Piggin from the Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC) as part of the Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Public Panel to co-design guidance for psychedelic research.

By forming a steering group which then run workshops with public contributors, insights were gathered to create a guide to help researchers plan PPI specifically in psychedelic research.

More information on the framework can be found in the full paper, with regular updates available as part of the PERC newsletter.

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