Immunology Theme Fellowship Funding

Pictiue of a trophy


The Immunology Theme have funding available to provide flexible salary support for excellent trainees, committed to pursuing an academic research career, where there is a clear path to ongoing academic training.  Please download the guidance and Application form. Deadline is 28th June 24. 

Proposals will be assessed against the following key criteria:

  • The academic track record of the applicant
  • Are the objectives clear?
  • Is the project value for money?
  • Is there a well-developed plan for next-stage career funding? (Please note that as part of our assessment we will carefully consider if an applicant is likely to get external fellowship funding)
  • Strategic alignment of the proposed research, and/or career path, with BRC Immunology theme objectives

Additional criteria that will be considered:

  • Co-funded proposals will be welcomed (e.g. matched-funding contributions).
  • Track record of the proposed Fellow and supervisor in acknowledging the BRC in prior publications.
  • Cross-BRC Theme and cross-Department/Faculty engagement is encouraged.